Become a Member

Members are a fundamental source of support for Fundación Espigas’s preservation efforts and outreach work. You can become a member as anindividual or as an art gallery or museum to ensure your research staff can access our institution.

More information

Types of Membership:

  • Benefactor
  • Patron
  • Sponsor
  • Active
  • Friend
  • Student (with ID)

To learn the benefits that come with each membership type, click here:


For detailed information on the annual activities we are able to carry out thanks to the support of our members, please see our Annual Report.

Annual Report


Your contribution helps us improve the storage and consultation conditions. For more information contact us at [email protected] or follow this link:



Donate Documentation

Donating Archives

If you have archives related to Argentine or Latin American art that you would like to donate, please fill out this form and we will be in touch.

Get in

Donating Individual Documents

If you have books, posters, brochures, or any other documentation that you would like to donate, please fill out this form and we will be in touch.

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Other Ways of Contributing

Adopt a Document

We are committed to public engagement with our archives and collections. Anyone can help us with that effort. We invite you to adopt a document to help make it accessible to the public.

Contact [email protected]

Collaboration Agreements

If you are interested in working with us on a new project or one already underway, send us a message and we will be in touch.

Publication Exchange

If you represent a library or public archive and are interested in exchanging publications with Espigas, please send us an e-mail. The exchanges are free of charge except for shipping costs.


Perú 358 / Doorbell A / C1067AAH

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


(54 11) 5217-8327


[email protected]
Social Media

Perú 358 / Timbre A / C1067AAH

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone:(54 11) 5217-8327

e-mail:[email protected]
