Our Institution

Fundación Espigas and its Documentation Center on the History of the Visual Arts in Argentina were created in 1993 to contribute to the professionalization of the Argentinian art field. Our mission is to compile documentation on Argentinian and Latin American art, as well as documentation of foreign art tied to the country and region. With the support of friends, donors, and members, Espigas preserves and makes available a major bibliographic collection and archive to specialists, public and private institutions, and the general public.

In 2017, Fundación Espigas and TAREA - Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Patrimonio Cultural of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín entered into a collaboration agreement that led to the creation of the Centro de Estudios Espigas. Today the Foundation and the Center, now part of the Escuela de Arte y Patrimonio work together not only on archive and library preservation and access, but also on publications and public activities related to Argentinian and Latin American art.


Carolina Vanegas Carrasco

Mayra Romina Piriz
Library and Archives Coordinator

Lucas Baron Pedernera
Head of Library

Julia Cabral
Head of Archives

Lucila Mazzacaro
Public Program Manager

Diego Sebastián López
Assistant Coordinator

Adriana Donini
General/Reference Assistant for Espigas Foundation

Diego Sebastián López
Assistant Coordinator

Adriana Donini
General/Reference Assistant for Espigas Foundation

María Inés Justo Borga

Eleonora Jaureguiberry

Adriana Rosenberg

Gabriel Werthein

Gabriel E. Vázquez Spokesperson

Sergio Butinof

Laura Malosetti Costa

Marcelo E. Pacheco
Spokesperson emeritus

Agustín Díez Fischer
Spokesperson emeritus

International Committee

Benedicta M. Badia Nordenstahl

Claudia Caraballo de Quentin

Erica Roberts

Clarice O. Tavares

Carlos Greco
Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Laura Malosetti Costa
Escuela de Arte y Patrimonio

Stella Maris Más Rocha
Academic Secretary
Escuela de Arte y Patrimonio


Our Building

Espigas is located at Perú 358, in the historical center of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. Our building is equipped with storage rooms, which preserve more than 500,000 documents that make up the documentary collections, special collections, library and newspaper library.

We have a reference room with 15 consultation stations, equipped with double UV filter, electrical connection, USB ports and wifi connection. The room was named Claudia Caraballo de Quentin in gratitude for her constant support to our institution. Espigas also hosts activities for researchers and the general public in the conference room and the exhibition room, named in honor of Espigas founder Mauro A. Herlitzka.

The technical processes room is used for description and cataloging in the databases and digitization of documents so that they are available for consultation. Likewise, the Laboratory for the Conservation and Restoration of Archival and Bibliographic Assets, which is in charge of preserving the material in the collection, is located in the building. Also at our headquarters is the Art and Heritage Research Center (CONICET/UNSAM), with which Espigas works together to promote research on Argentine and Latin American art.



Espigas has the advice in art history of the Centro de Investigaciones en Arte y Patrimonio (UNSAM / CONICET).



Perú 358 / Doorbell A / C1067AAH

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


(54 11) 5217-8327


[email protected]
Social Media

Perú 358 / Timbre A / C1067AAH

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Phone:(54 11) 5217-8327

e-mail:[email protected]
