Milestone 10. Arte y documento at Malba

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the creation of Espigas, "Art and Document. Fundación Espigas 1993-2003", an exhibition at the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires was organized in 2003 under the curatorship of Patricia M. Artundo. The exhibition was open to the public from September 25 to November 3, 2003. Around 180 works by Espigas were exhibited.

The proposal of the curatorial script was organized by thematic modules: an artist (Alfredo Guttero), a collector (Francisco Llobet), an art critic (Jorge Romero Brest), an institution (Instituto Torcuato di Tella), three art galleries (Witcomb, Pizarro, Bonino), as well as a selection of art and cultural magazines and a section dedicated to institutional posters.

At that time, Fundación Espigas' bibliographic collection included approximately 150,000 publications.

1. Brochure of the exhibition Arte y Documento at MALBA, 2003.

2. Board of Directors of Espigas with Eduardo Constantini at the opening of the exhibition Arte y Documento, 2003.

3. Slides with views of the exhibition Arte y Documento.

4. Postcards of Arte y Documento, 2003.


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