Milestone 17. Union with UNSAM

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Fundación Espigas established an agreement with TAREA Instituto de Investigaciones sobre el Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín to create the Centro de Estudios Espigas. Currently both institutions, Foundation and Center, within the framework of the School of Art and Heritage, work together to preserve and provide access to the documentary collection, and cooperate in the realization of the editorial program and public activities related to Argentine and Latin American art. The first director of the Espigas Study Center was Agustín Diez Fischer (2017-2023), who highlighted "the unprecedented nature of the alliance between the private sector and a national university to preserve the memory of Argentine and Latin American art."
In 2020, the clan-parananá® studio changed the logo and image of Espigas, which received the Seal of Good Design in 2023.


1. Espigas video
2. Melina Cavalo, director of Espigas Archives (2017-2023). Published in "Agustín Diez Fischer: La alianza entre la UNSAM y la Fundación Espigas no tiene precedentes," Noticias UNSAM, November 15, 2017. Photo: Pablo Carrera Oser.
3. Espigas logo designed by clan-parananá®, 2020.


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