Milestone 22. The paper lab

Monday, December 11, 2023

Nora Altrudi, Director of the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Archival and Bibliographic Assets, tells us about the Paper Laboratory: "The Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Archival and Bibliographic Assets, since its creation in 2008, has the fundamental objective of promoting the conservation and restoration of bibliographic and archival material, as well as promoting research in the discipline to optimize the preservation of documentary heritage.
In this sense and from the link with the Centro de Estudios Espigas, the Laboratory has been collaborating in the elaboration of conservation policies and procedures, as well as in practical actions aimed at the conditioning and cleaning of deposits, stabilization of collections, treatment of documents with biological affectations, preparation of material and recommendations of assembly for loans to other institutions, inspection of documentary funds and bibliographic collections at the time of admission, that is, to actively participate in all processes that minimize risks and contribute to the preservation of this valuable documentary heritage".


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