Milestone 28. Diploma in archival studies

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The first courses of the Diploma in Management and Conservation of Art Archives were held in 2021 and 2022. The program offers a curriculum that provides the tools for the management and conservation of archives and documentary collections. It provides knowledge on description and inventory processes, the use of software, best practices in documentary management, strategies for the elaboration of public programs and the search for funding, and knowledge on diagnosis and preventive conservation of documentary collections. Thus, the methodologies of the archival discipline are combined with knowledge of the particularities of the artistic field and the debates surrounding art archives in Latin America.


1. Flyer of the Diploma in Management and Conservation of Art Archives.
2. Presentation of diplomas, 2023.


Perú 358 / Doorbell A / C1067AAH

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina


(54 11) 5217-8327


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